RECIPE CORNER with Charlotte Glynn

As dedicated adjuncts you all know what a fragile balance there is between a successful class and a wildly embarrassing catastrophe. Something as small as being hungry can turn what should have been a moment of pedagogic brilliance into an accidental therapy session where you work out some of those childhood issues you have with your dad that keep you from having any real, meaningful, long-term relationships.

A simple as it may seem when you accept your adjunct position at a remote educational institution, staying well fed over the course of a semester really can be a challenge. When you’re living under the poverty line, work far from home, depend on multiple modes of public transport and regularly have inadequate bag space (due to amount of books and teaching materials you must bring back and forth since the open desk you share with 10 other adjunct professors isn’t in a secure office, something you learned only after all your teaching materials disappeared right before class) packing multiple transportable meals can be impossible and who has money to eat out.

Fear Not!!!

Each week(?) in Recipes for the Adjunct Commuter you will share yet another delicious, portable, filling and inexpensive recipe for a meal that will literally keep you satisfied all day.

The Breakfast, Brunch, Lunch and Dinner

What you need:

– one wide mouthed Mason Jar – 32 oz

– a stick of butter

– 2 T flax seeds

– 2 T chia seeds

– 3 strips of bacon

– 1/4 cup walnuts

– 1 cup steel cut oats

– a grapefruit

– 1/8 cup raisins

– 2 T protein powder

cook bacon

cook the oatmeal

melt butter

mix: cooked Oatmeal and protein powder

mix walnuts, chia seeds and flax seeds

And now the layering process in your Mason Jar

Begin with your “dinner”

– butter

– bacon

A separation layering of raisins

Then Breakfast, Brunch and Lunch

oatmeal/protein powder combination

your seed mix

and lastly your peeled grapefruit slices


1 Comment on RECIPE CORNER with Charlotte Glynn

  1. This is hilarious! And gag-worthy! Unfortunately, I can relate!


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